
Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that originates from pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. When these cells are damaged by radiation, they can transform and behave abnormally.

If there is enough permanent DNA damage, these pigment cells can multiply and grow without regulation and become a cancer. Unfortunately, this cancer is notorious for camouflaging amongst other skin lesions, and due to its lack of symptoms, a melanoma can grow and metastasize in silence.

Who is at risk for melanoma?

Melanoma occurs 1 in 40 people in lighter skin types and less frequently in darker skin types in all age groups. There are two major components of melanoma development: Genetic and environmental factors. Since hereditary plays a major role, knowing if you have a family history of melanoma is extremely important. Additionally, environmental exposures can alter the normal biology. For example, exposing skin to radiation from the sun or tanning beds and or working in an occupation that involves welding, radiology or outdoor work can lead to DNA damage resulting in melanoma or other skin cancers.

Are all skin cancers melanoma?

No. There are several skin cancers of the skin, and melanoma is just one of the many types. Melanoma is the third most-common skin cancer, preceded by basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

It’s important to distinguish between these cancers because melanomas are more aggressive and have an increased risk of spreading to other organs.

How to detect melanoma

Since melanoma are discrete, they are difficult for the untrained eye to detect. Additionally, it is difficult to self-inspect your own back, which is one of the most common sites for melanoma to occur.

A good set of guidelines for inspecting yourself or another person is the ABCDEs of melanoma. Moles with the following qualities should be professionally evaluated:

  • Asymmetry
  • Borders irregular
  • Color uneven
  • Diameter greater than 4mm (a pencil eraser)
  • Evolution or moles that change

These lesions may look like an age spot, a bruise, a sore, a cyst, a scar or a dark line beneath your nail. You may not feel a melanoma, but there are times that it may itch, hurt or bleed.

If you have concerns about possible melanoma, have your skin checked head-to-toe by a board-certified dermatologist regularly.

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